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Dynamic Creative 2019

Connect on a personal level with the power of dynamic creative

Adacado’s dynamic creative optimization platform allows advertisers to target viewers with various parameters and serve personalized ads at scale.

Connect on a personal level with the power of dynamic creative

Adacado’s dynamic creative optimization platform allows advertisers to target viewers with various parameters and serve personalized ads at scale.

Build dynamic ad campaigns in minutes

Eliminate costs wasted on lengthy time-to-market and design with Adacado’s library of industry-specific, proven ad themes. Design, build, and preview a dynamic creative ad campaign in five minutes or less.

Adacado simplifies the creative aspects of ad creation so you can spend your time building your business, not your ads. Load your product data, select a pre-built ad theme and get started running your dynamic creative ad campaign in minutes.

It’s dynamic creative made easy.

Dynamic ads perform better

Consumers expect their online experience to be customized. Get the right info in front of the right people and serve ads specific to the viewer, based on shopping and browsing history, location, weather, etc.

The best part? It’s free

Adacado is 100% free to use. You only start paying once you start serving ads.